You Will Receive Your Spark on Binance.US.
According to Flare Networks, the airdrop of Spark tokens is scheduled for this fall. With this due date approaching, we want to update you on how to receive yours.
Previously, we asked you to provide a SPARK wallet address to receive your Spark airdrop and this created some confusion, but we heard you loud and clear - you would prefer to receive it on Binance.US. If you held the minimum amount of XRP tokens with us at the time of the snapshot, you will see your Spark tokens in your Binance.US wallet once the airdrop occurs and the network is stable.
Please note: Binance.US is yet to determine whether it will support the buying, selling or trading of Spark; regardless, any Spark held in your Binance.US account will be available to withdraw. Your access and use of our services is subject to our Terms of Use. The decision of Binance.US in relation to any disputes you raise with respect to this airdrop shall be final. You acknowledge and accept the risks of any changes to digital currency protocols and agree that Binance.US is not responsible for any such changes and not liable for any loss you may experience as a result of such changes. As a reminder, Binance.US no longer lists or supports XRP. For more information regarding the Binance.US XRP delisting, please refer to our support article.