Trust Wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet that supports 40+ blockchains and tokens.
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At Binance.US our goal is simple. We want to give people around the world the freedom of money. All of our innovations, updates and acquisitions are strategically planned to further this cause.
Trust Wallet was created during 2017 as a new decentralized mobile wallet designed to make storing and using crypto safe and easy. The app's popularity shot up, catching lots of attention in the crypto space.
Over time Trust Wallet has developed and grown to offer new features and better options for crypto holders. It’s not just a place to store your crypto.
All your coins in one place
Trust Wallet is a multi-asset cryptocurrency wallet that supports more than 40 blockchains and hundreds of thousands of tokens. It’s so much easier to keep track of your holdings when they are all in one easily accessible place.
Free and easy to use
It’s free to download Trust Wallet and there are no hidden fees inside. You can download, set up and start sending or receiving crypto in no time!
Wallet owners are required to pay blockchain transaction fees but Trust Wallet aims to ensure that you don’t overpay by constantly calculating the optimal transaction fee for each network.
Decentralized and secure
Trust Wallet is designed to keep you and your funds safe. It’s a decentralized wallet so you control your private keys and you can access your crypto at any time, with or without Trust Wallet. Your personal data is never collected.
Hold and earn
In Trust Wallet you can earn crypto by staking. There are multiple supported staking currencies including Tron, Algorand, Tezos and more. Android users can also explore the range of DApps using the built in DApp browser.
Buy and trade crypto
You can use Trust Wallet to swap, trade or even buy crypto with your credit card. Just choose the currency you want to buy and enter your card details. Job done! Not all currencies are supported for card purchases but many of the major cryptos are such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB and many more.
Level up your crypto game
It’s free and packed full of awesome features - download Trust Wallet now!
*Legal disclaimer:
This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and should NOT be: (1) considered an individualized recommendation or advice; and (2) relied upon for any investment activities. All information is provided on an as-is basis and is subject to change without notice, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any such information. Binance.US does NOT provide investment, legal, or tax advice in any manner or form. The ownership of any investment decision(s) exclusively vests with you after analyzing all possible risk factors and by exercising your own independent discretion. Binance.US shall not be liable for any consequences thereof.