All About Neo

Neo is an open network for the smart economy.

Neo is an open-source, community driven platform. The project aims to leverage "the intrinsic advantages of blockchain technology to realize the optimized digital world of the future".

  • Neo launched in 2016 (previously "Antshares") and relies on a unique dual-token model with NEO and GAS tokens. While NEO is the dedicated network cryptocurrency, GAS tokens are used to perform transactions on the Neo blockchain and are distributed by holding NEO in wallets.
  • Neo's technology is powered by dBFT2.0 (a consensus algorithm) and includes the use of the NeoVM (a lightweight, cross-platform, and scalable virtual machine) with the support of smart-contracts. Other blockchain features include elements such as NeoID (a decentralized identity protocol) and NeoFS (a distributed object storage solution for on-chain data applications).
  • It is expected to launch Neo3 in 2020 introducing higher throughput, enhanced stability & security, an optimized smart-contract system, and a feature-packed infrastructure to bolster developer adoption & enterprise support.

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